Thursday, August 5, 2010

Spiritual Writing Workshop

As well as being a magical realist devotee, I also have a strong spiritual practice in my life (which is perhaps why I love magical realism in the first place) and I love writing in and around my spiritual stuff. This takes the form of both fiction and non-fiction. There are certainly approaches to writing from the soul self that can make the content best for the reading market. But it is enormously difficult to find teachers in this field.

So I am hanging up my shingle and taking charge. I am running my inaugural spiritual writing workshop. With a doctorate in creative writing I feel pretty well equipped and incredibly excited to offer something that is lacking in the creative writing market place.

Are you an aspiring spiritual writer?

Spend an afternoon exploring your writerly self. Fiction and non-fiction, channelled or just inspired, we will work together to draw out your voice and explore ways to access your spiritual power through writing. So, the details:

When: Sunday 19th September
Time: 12-5pm
Where: North Melbourne
Cost: $95/$80

More info:

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